"We are not hypocrites when we sleep." ~ William Hazlitt

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Underground Room with Time Machine Windows

More dreams about degradation again. This time, a bunch of people in an underground warehouse that is completely empty. Everyone lined up like they're in the Army. Facing forward, to these two people who are telling them to do very strange things - I can't remember the details but it was pretty bad.
One thing I do remember is not only the commands of actions under penalty of death, but how they would tease people by taking them over to a window which showed their future. It was a window of pain, I would call it. They would look at the window, and the window showed them their most happy moments. Whether it was a husband or wife, or a family, or some event that they remembered. They would show them happiness, and then force them to go back into the line of people.
Now that I think about it, that would be true torture. Because, when you're being tortured, I image that you eventually just turn off your brain. You don't want to feel or think about anything anymore. But when they force you to see something that stimulates your feelings of hope and happiness...then the torture really does become real. They are not allowing you to escape from it, in that way.
I think there is a lot of symbolism in this one for me, where this kind of torture can happen to one individual from another. Someone promises happiness and then they disappoint you on purpose; there are all sorts of examples I could write about. I went through that, but have not really accepted it fully. It could be why these dreams come out in the most oddest ways.
One part of the dream was where a bunch of tall blond women athletes came in, and started playing cricket. Go figure.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

More Nightmares

More dreams - and more nightmares. It's been a while since I've had nightmares one after the other. Last night again, I had a few of them.
One was me moving from house to house in different cities, lost, and constantly running into Adam (the ex) with each driveway I would pull into. I couldn't seem to get away from him.
Another dream was me swimming in the backyard of this beautiful house and the area was covered with beautiful flowers, roses, tulips; it was a Secret Garden. While I was swimming in a pool, Adam shows up and asks me to go to the store with him. I ignored him and then he disappeared in his car.
Another dream was me seeing his car in a parking lot with a friend of mine, and we both panicked. It was at a restaurant that both of us were going to eat at, but my friend insisted we go in. So I did, and there in the waiting area was him and a girl sitting together. I ran into the bathroom and hid for a moment. Then I went back out and he wasn't there but the girl was there sitting alone.
Another dream was me driving down several highways and I kept seeing his car at every turn; I wasn't able to get away from it.
The final one was me going to his house and every time I went in, he was telling me how this girl he was with was someone he was going to stay with unless I came back to him. I remember feeling a lot of pain and then every time I saw her I had feelings of anger; convinced she was in on all this. I had feelings of sadness and pity as well. I had a lot of different feelings. And the more he showed up to tell me about what I was missing out on, the more I kept trying to get away. But no matter where I went, him and the girl were there. Him psychology trying to get me back, and the girl sitting there, looking smug.
When I thought about him and girl together, and the fact that she will most likely be with him for the rest of his life (especially if she hasn't left by now-fellow psychopath victims will relate to this) I felt so much pain. Not just the feeling in me, but for her. And for what he will be doing to her. And how there is no one to stop it. How she will be drained, just like I was. Fed off for years, like a vampire, and then only when she dares to question being sucked dry does she get pushed back down even further into the floor. It was like watching evil happen in front of me and I was helpless.
Dreams like this often happen with stress; it's been a stressful time lately so I'm not surprised these keep happening. Hopefully the next dream will be more positive.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chained in Luxury

I usually don't write about nightmares, but let's look at it as more of a surreal dream than an actual nightmare. Plus, when I speak with people about nightmares its more so I can get it out of my system. No one is really around tonight for me to speak with, so, here I am. Writing again.

I pretty much know what this one symbolizes but nevertheless, it's not pleasant to be reminded of painful past relationships.

It began with an ex of mine (for now, let's call him Adam). Details are already starting to fade so what I remember now is me walking through a room in an old attic. In the room was one window only. There was an old bed in the middle of the room, with white bedsheets, which were obviously used because the bed was a mess. I was with some older couple that told me they had kicked Adam out of the place because he was using it to bring women there.

Suddenly, everything changed. I was part of a small group of 6 people. We were kidnapped by these rich people. I was in a large mansion, tied in chains. We were being punished for some reason but it wasn't clear why.

We were being tortured in very weird ways. An example would be, a very nice old lady would come to me and tell me "now this won't hurt very long" and she took this screw and a hammer, and put it on top of my head. She told me "it will be just a second of pain and then its over". She hammered the screw into my skull. Once it was in, she took a chain and hung it from the screw, and at the other end, made sure the chain was connected to the wall. She goes "There we go!" with a big smile, and then proceeds to do this to the rest of the 5 people/vampires that were there with me. Keep in mind, we all looked like regular people. I was in regular clothes; pants and a sweater.

Next, a guy came in and said "ok, we're all going to play a game here" and he told us to walk towards the middle of the room from the wall we were attached to. I could only walk so far because the chain was stuck to my head from the screw it was connected to. So we all made our way to the middle of the room, and then had to stop. He kept reminding us to be careful, and keep in mind that we were connected to the wall.

In front of us each was a door but it was a door with a mirror on it. I tried to open the handle, but the person told us that if we opened the door, it would tear off a piece of our skin. Apparently the handle was rigged to something else, that would somehow, hurt us. Anyone who refused to do it was told they would hurt us even more. Of course, they were extremely polite, and very nice.

I started to open the door, but could feel a part of my body hurting from doing so. The man says "You can do it!" I started to cry and said " its painful" and he pats me on the back. "I know, " he says. "But you have to choose one way or the other. Don't worry, I'll be right here as it happens."