"We are not hypocrites when we sleep." ~ William Hazlitt

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Oversized Garden Vines

I lived with my mother and father on this large plantation of land, but it was covered with vegetables and flowers. Just hundreds of feet you could walk along these lines of flowers and vegetables growing systematically; each in its own block of earth.
So I'm home one day, and I take it upon myself to mow the lawn, which is in front of the house - its just a small patch. I go out there and there are vines covering the grass, everywhere. They seem to be coming from the patches of flowers and vegetables surrounding the house. So my mother comes out and walks me down around the land, and is pointing out, that the overgrown weeds (which look like vines) are so out of control, that they have taken over the patches. So it would look like, a large thick vine covering a bunch of other small weeds. In fact, the vines were so big that they were taller than us, and were bent over - almost quivering.
She got under one of them, to feel around, and I was going "uh you sure you want to do that" but she kept going. I hear her say underneath there "Well, this is interesting." I go "What?" She says "There are all male vines but no female ones - I wonder why they are still growing." Suddenly I panic, worried that the vines might take us because we are female, and I pull my mother out and go "lets get out of here".
We keep walking, and then suddenly come across a baseball field across the street, with families and kids sitting on blankets, eating picnics and playing ball. Apparently this whole time I had a mower in my hand, so one of them yells "Don't mow today!" I say "I'm not! Don't worry!"
We keep walking and we come across an outdoor public pool, my mother says "i didn't know they had a pool in this park' and I decide to jump in at the deep end, which is only 4 feet deep. Must have been a kids pool. I then realize its all dirty at the bottom, and the color is kinda green, so I decide to get back out.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Bookstore Dungeon

All I remember now, is that I was with someone in a bookstore, and we were trying to find where all the children's books are. I wanted to find a rare children's book, something like "Horton Hears a Who" or something like that. We looked through all these old, dusty books everywhere, that were in no order whatsoever. They were stacked on top of each other. So I went up to some guy and asked where the rare books where - he pointed to this woman and said it was "through her mouth".
So she opened her mouth, real wide, to the point of it so wide that a human body could fit through there - it basically became a tunnel. I looked in her mouth and said "I can't fit in there" and I was scared to death because it was all dark and red.
So my friend jumps right in and I hear him slide through this long tunnel and land somewhere. I put half of my body in and yelled "I'm not going to fit" and tried to get out. She closed up her mouth and said I could take the stairs.
So I took these long flights of stairs, down to a dark basement with all these people sitting against a wall, handcuffed. A woman had a whip, as she walked back and forth in front of them, telling them the rules on that we could look at the books, but couldn't touch them.

Reminded me of "Nightmare on Elm Street Dream Warriors" movie, where Freddy opens his mouth so wide that a person could fit through it.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Claudia and Talking Animals

First of all, it started about a coworker named Claudia that I knew years ago that I rarely talk to anymore except on Facebook. And she was the lead role in this one, so where she came from in my brain, I have no idea.
Its starting to fade so I need to type fast: She was alone near a fountain outside this university setting, with a baby in her arms. I came up to talk to her and she didn't like me at all, apparently in this dream she had known me for years. And she was upset that I was coming up to talk to her. On the side of this, I was being chased by some bad guy, or monster, or some hairy situation that I was in the middle of; so I begged her to come with me for her own safety. She said no.
I run back into the university, and I bump into 4 types of animals, one is a tiny black toy dog, another is a tiny bird, and two other small animals that talked English. I said to them, Quick, follow me! And we all go up the stairs to the 4th floor, where my room is number 416.
I run up the stairs, I try to open my door and it wont open because its full of people. Now, one of the people in there is another person that I dont talk to much except on Facebook, but she is a close friends of the first one. As soon as I get in, she starts telling me how I should have told the girl outside how I felt. I said "I can't get my heart broken twice in one day." (whatever that means)
I look out the door, peeking my head into the hallway. The animals are walking slowly, making their way down the long hall towards me. I'm going "hurry up!" Suddenly this bad guy/evil force/bad situation seems to be a threat again, and I shove the animals in the room and close the door. Suddenly, the girl is in there as well with a ton of people, and she in the corner of the room, holding her baby close to her, while everyone is talking all at once. I make my way over to her and I hold her and say its going to be alright. She's nice to me and we hold each other; all is forgiven.
All at once, I'm in a diner in the middle of nowhere, some country diner with the sun coming up through the windows. I'm ordering some menu item with just an egg and one cut of toast. I get up and go through those floppy kitchen doors and I'm back in the University hallway again.
I walk through the hallway and see an opening in the wall, with a large something covered in bubbble wrap, about the size of a painting. I pick it up and start to continue to wrap it.
My mother comes out of nowhere, complaining that it was inconvenient for her brother to drop this present off for her to wrap. I explain how I will help her wrap it. Meanwhile, I'm hurrying so I can get back to the University room, and check on everyone.