One thing I do remember is not only the commands of actions under penalty of death, but how they would tease people by taking them over to a window which showed their future. It was a window of pain, I would call it. They would look at the window, and the window showed them their most happy moments. Whether it was a husband or wife, or a family, or some event that they remembered. They would show them happiness, and then force them to go back into the line of people.
Now that I think about it, that would be true torture. Because, when you're being tortured, I image that you eventually just turn off your brain. You don't want to feel or think about anything anymore. But when they force you to see something that stimulates your feelings of hope and happiness...then the torture really does become real. They are not allowing you to escape from it, in that way.
I think there is a lot of symbolism in this one for me, where this kind of torture can happen to one individual from another. Someone promises happiness and then they disappoint you on purpose; there are all sorts of examples I could write about. I went through that, but have not really accepted it fully. It could be why these dreams come out in the most oddest ways.
One part of the dream was where a bunch of tall blond women athletes came in, and started playing cricket. Go figure.
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