"We are not hypocrites when we sleep." ~ William Hazlitt

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hello and Transform

Its a night, in a suburban neighborhood and I'm walking through blocks of houses, lots of trees, your standard family street. Its midnight, and its quiet and windy and cold. I'm apparently to meet someone somewhere. I come to their house, and there are tons of kids in their 20s partying in some house with loud music. A bunch of people are standing on the corner of the street, smoking and talking loudly. I walk over to them and they all say hello and introduce themselves. Meanwhile I'm rubbing at some open sore on my face that seems itchy. A guy comes out of the mess of people, has glasses and dark hair. I realize he's the person I'm supposed to meet and I walk to him. He says hello and he smiles, and before we can start talking, it gets louder and more obnoxious. I realize I'm with a bunch of young party goers and I decide, "the hell with this" and leave.

I keep walking down the streets for a while, and then I suddenly crouch down behind someone's car in their driveway. The sore on my face becomes wider and one large eye comes from it. I reduce in size in this small green fat body. So I'm this little short green thing running around with one large eye. Except I'm seeing everything from its point of view, like a cam shot in a movie.
I'm running along the streets fast, and a bear comes out from someone's backyard and growls at me...I keep running. Then I see a cat and it ignores me. Then a dog sees me and starts to run after me. I run even faster and I lose it somehow. All this is happening in the middle of the night among a bunch of people's houses. I stop and see a pack of wolves looking at me from someone's living room window. They somehow get out and come up to me. I make some high nervous noise and they start barking. I run off.

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