"We are not hypocrites when we sleep." ~ William Hazlitt

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Burnt Houses and Hopping Around The Universe

It started with me in a burnt down house, yet the structure was still in tact. And I was so broke that I convinced the owner to let me and my two kitties live there. Ironically, there was a pool in the back that was in beautiful condition, and it even had a fountain that sprayed everywhere.
The house was a complete dump, and there was dirt and broken/burnt wood everywhere. I set up a Television, my couch, and my bed. Made sure I had a fridge in the burnt kitchen that worked, and that the toilet flushed. It was late at night, so i turned on a lamp I had. If one were to drive by, they'd see a woman sitting on a couch with a lamp, watching TV with two cats - and no walls.
It became the next morning and I was suddenly out on the back concrete porch, looking at the beautiful mansion-like pool. There were four people surrounding me, and singing Happy Birthday. I didn't know any of them, except one person who looked like a co-worker I bumped into weeks ago.
It began to rain and I went back inside, avoiding the drips from the holes in the burnt ceiling. I went to bed and pulled the covers over my head. Suddenly I heard a whirling noise, and got up to see what it was.
There was a hole in the floor. A large hole, and it was spinning.
Almost like a pool of oil that was going round and round until it created some kind of a vortex that went down into the ground forever. I just stared at it, not really believing what the heck was going on.
So, I jumped into it.

Went way down into the bottom of it, whirling around, and suddenly found myself thrown onto a grassy ground, surrounded by pink trees and a long bright path in front of me. I looked up and the circle I fell from closed up immediately.
Standing up, I felt like Alice in Wonderland. I walked down this path, passing all sorts of strange, quaint little houses that looked like they were made out of candy. Very colorful places, lots of colorful trees - almost like a Disney movie. I came across a tall woman, with long blond hair and a huge flowing white dress. Someone she told me I was on the planet Venus.
I kept walking and realized I was getting lost, surrounded by all these blissful blooming trees. I looked down and saw the vortex appear. I jumped in it and was thrown around again, until I was gently brought back into my room at the burnt house. I was exhilarated. I called a friend of mine and convinced them to come over. They walked through the place, laughing at the state of the house and then I showed them the moving circle in the ground. We both just stared at it.

Friday, October 3, 2008

High Ceilings and Waterfalls

Apparently I was sitting in some large architectural neo-modern building that was completely empty. It had incredibly large ceilings that seemed to go on forever. The room I was in sitting in the middle of, seemed to go on and on for miles, without any end or wall in my sight. Just a large open space with walls on the side, but no end of it anywhere.
I was sitting on a white concrete stool. One of those things you might find in a garden. Behind me, was a quiet, large waterfall dropping all the way down from the top of the ceiling and falling gently behind me. I could hear the sound of water rushing down, but never hearing it hit the ground.
I was holding a pen and had a dark notebook in my lap, but I wasn't paying attention to that at all. All I was doing was continually staring up at the ceiling above me, and looking at the vast emptiness of it. Suddenly I heard an organ playing, echoing in the distance somewhere, with people's voices whispering over it. I remember not moving my head, but looking down with my eyes at the dark hallway that I could barely see miles away - way, way down in front of me. Sort of a dark spot in the middle of all these white walls. I strained to hear more of what might be going on.
Sitting there in the middle of the quiet, peaceful water falling, and hearing the gentle underground noise of an organ playing gently - I finally felt content and closed my eyes. I think I liked knowing I was there completely by myself - accepting and embracing the beauty that can come from being alone; that only you and yourself can experience. No one else. Because its the only time you feel fully understood. It's a great moment of fulfillment.
(http://ligamusic.com/Lyrics/2885092/Tomita/The_Ravel_album/Pavane_Pour_Une_Infante_Defunte/mp3/ )